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SKU: Leading_with_Emotional_and_Social_Intelligence_Self-Awareness_901 Category:



How to practice the skill of calming down?

„Success in life depends not only on intellect but on the ability to manage emotions.” Daniel Goleman

The online course comprises 15 hours of intensive learning in the English language on the subject of emotional self-awareness in professional life. The course focuses on two key areas of emotional awareness: recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions, and the ability to regulate them in various personal and business situations. According to Jacek Santorski, a leading Polish business psychologist with extensive experience in supporting companies based on innovative business thinking, individuals aspiring to successful business development should possess, among other things: an awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses, natural predispositions, and hidden motivations that either facilitate or hinder business development, as well as the ability to manage oneself. The course includes exercise sheets based on positive psychology, the latest scientific discoveries in the field of neuropsychology, and cognitive-behavioral approaches. If you aim to enhance your psychosocial and interpersonal competencies to maturely take on new roles and strive for more in your business life, this course will support and guide you towards new skills in the process of „business maturation”.The course will also provide you with CEU points as part of lifelong learning to help professionals maintain their professional licenses or prepare you for a new business path.

For whom?

  • For Individuals
  • For Leaders and Business Owners
  • For Teams

What will you learn from the course?

  • What are the types of emotions and how does the mechanism of their formation look?
  • What does the recognition and naming of one’s emotions involve?
  • How to regulate emotions through working with thoughts based on Rational Behavior Therapy?
  • Why is it essential to detect thought patterns that cause unpleasant emotions?
  • How to not engage in conversations under the influence of emotions but to strengthen emotional distance and control in challenging situations?
  • When to manage anger, irritation, impatience, and uncertainty?
  • How to build an affective balance through recognizing pleasant emotions?
  • How to clarify expectations, build an atmosphere of understanding, and communicate in a non- judgmental style?
  • When to take responsibility for one’s own feelings and emotions, as well as an individual way of perceiving information?
  • What is the algorithm for reducing the risk of entering conflicts and escalating emotions?

When is knowledge of emotional intelligence in professional life particularly useful?

  • When you want to measure your level of emotional intelligence in a measurable way
  • When you want to learn to influence your own emotions using cognitive-behavioral techniques
  • When you need to differentiate and name your own and others’ emotions
  • When you need to adjust emotions to the situation
  • When you want to avoid cognitive traps that cause stress and other difficult emotions
  • When you do not know how to prevent outbursts of your own and others’ emotions
  • When you want to learn a healthy algorithm of behavior in situations that generate difficult emotions
  • When you or others do not know how to choose a constructive response to escalating and strong emotions
  • When you need to apply your emotional intelligence as leverage in business
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