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Would you like to organize a closed and dedicated workshop for your team/ department/ organization? Need more information?
Write to me, and I will send you detailed information along with a quote.




What movement supports finding a solution?

„When there is conflict within a team, it is possible that the team is representing it on behalf of the entire system. Only when we see the problem in a broader context can we hope to find a solution for the team.” Markus Birkenkrahe

Conflicts are a part of our everyday life. They arise when we want to stand our ground. They serve development, and often their results are better solutions, safety, and peace. They are an essential element of the development of individuals and groups. There are also entirely different conflicts, where the parties involved are driven by the will to destroy, and the fight is about human life.
Can we control conflicts in a way that serves progress and healing, ultimately leading to unity rather than isolation?
The energy of conflicts arises not only from the will to survive but also from the common need of all people to balance giving and taking, gain and loss, known as justice. We calm down when we achieve this balance, and that is why justice is so important to us. The peace between conflicting groups becomes possible only when the forces of both groups are exhausted and when the groups are able to recognize that continuing the conflict can only lead to losses.
When we acknowledge different needs and respect boundaries, when the will to destroy ends, regardless of its justification, that is where the resolution of the conflict begins. It is where an individual recognizes that there are no better or worse people because we are all entangled in our own way.
I invite you to explore the systemic perspective of conflicts. It helps to examine, explain, and mitigate the conflict, bringing to the surface what was previously left unspoken.

For whom?

  • For Individuals
  • For Leaders and Business Owners
  • For Teams

What will you learn from me during the meeting?

  • How to develop the skill and willingness to engage in healthy conflict?
  • How to model appropriate behavior during conflict?
  • What are the true reasons for conflict and its hidden benefits?
  • Why it’s worth building a path leading to resolution?
  • How to identify the ideal point of conflict on its continuum?
  • When to provide support and genuine permission for conflict?
  • What are the most common obstacles on the path to finding solutions?
  • How to distinguish internal conflict from external conflict?
  • When do conflicts lose their meaning and cease to be fascinating?
  • What are the issues with the balance of exchange in the workplace?
  • How to release emotions in a controlled manner?
  • When is the best time to apply Christopher Moore’s Conflict Circle tool?

When is the knowledge of conflict psychology particularly useful?

  • When conflicts have become truly serious
  • When your team’s work is completely disorganized and the team cannot function normally
  • When you need to learn how to calm conflicts
  • When previous conflict resolution methods have not worked
  • When you want to focus on finding solutions
  • When there is constant conflict within the team that seems to have no source or constantly evades attempts at resolution
  • When people in the team feel threatened by what is new
  • When you desire reconciliation
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