zł 970.00
How to consciously choose words to steer a conversation clearly and simply towards direction and stability?
“Give others a chance and tell them what you want.””””””””’ Marshall Rosenberg
Communication saves time and money. From a biological point of view, we are social beings who strive for cooperation, a sense of belonging, recognition, and respect. Respect, trust, and attention are therefore our „neurobiological fuel”. To meet these needs, it is worth learning to communicate effectively. In addition, what we currently lack most is empathy. We need people who can put themselves in another person’s shoes and see the world through their eyes. Sometimes you may have difficulty finding the right words, you may remain silent where you should speak up. Systemic communication is particularly useful when you hear a long and complex story, full of judgments, beliefs, and expectations. If you or your interlocutor are attached to your version of the story and get lost in the details, it is the right time to use a different type of communication. This workshop is for people who want to conduct conversations as equals, negotiate on their own behalf, or overcome communication barriers with the grace of a world-class dancer
For whom?
- For Individuals
- For Leaders and Business Owners
- For Teams
What will you learn from me during the meeting?
- What is the impact of language on your daily life?
- What are your communication strategies and habits and where do they come from?
- Why is it important to learn to express and accept criticism?
- How to say and listen to “no” in conversations?
- When is it worthwhile to focus on facts, universal needs signaled by emotions, and requests?
- When to use the four steps of nonviolent communication?
- How to consciously give instructions and delegate tasks?
- What does anger reveal to you and how can you transform emotional stress into energy for action?
- When to work with maps – the oldest forms of interpersonal communication?
- How does your thinking and behavioral style affect communication in a team?
When is knowledge of systemic communication particularly useful?
- When you want to look at old or difficult communication patterns in a new way
- When you need support to find a respectful attitude within yourself to say something that may be difficult for the recipient
- When you need to have a conversation at the level of systemic truths, not just stories or opinions
- When you need to tell the other person your truth, but you need support
- When you hear ongoing conversations that keep returning to the starting point, even though a specific solution has been found
- When you react very emotionally to rational statements or requests
- When people say one thing and do another
- When people in a team or organization do not respect each other
- When you need to introduce systemic language to support facing your truths – strengths and limitations, obligations, hidden loyalties, and entanglements
- When you need to release new energy needed for change and progres